Thank you for sharing this. I have witnessed UAP and been ridiculed for it. I’m glad high ranking officials are beginning to tell the truth.

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So Here comes Project Blue Beam! Everyone Needs To Understand 1st and Foremost Aliens Are NOT Hostile! If They Were Common Sense Says We Wouldn’t Be Here Still💯 They Also Need To Understand That Any Tech We Know Of Has Been Out For Decades Before We’re Aware! If we can See Through Walls a Football Field Away Now, and Listen To The Sounds Frequencies Of Plants, and Visibly See Auras and Emotions, change the ph in water or our own dna. Then Imagine What Exists We Aren’t Being Told About, and What Has Been Taken and Hidden From Us bc Of Greed!!! Aka zero point energy being One Major One!! So Given That, There’s No Doubt in My Mind Any Malicious Acts Done by People Claiming it’s ET is Being Done By The Govs To Build a Narrative and Build Fear💯💯 We The People Must Choose LOVE Over Everything Else✨🙌 It Shouldn’t Be 2nd Nature For All Of Us, It Should Be First🫶💪 This Is How We The People Of The World Win🤗 Actively Choosing Love In All We Say, Do and Think Daily! Mentally Sending Each Other Strength, Love, Clarity, Protection and Hope☺️ Take Time To Meditate and Send Love Back Into the Earth, or any space we are in. Positivity In and For All😊🙌🤘 #oneconsciousness Dr Greer Has great insight and Superhuman the Invisible Made Visible is a MUST Documentary ✨🫂🫂✨

It may sound crazy but think about the scientific things we were taught in school but never actually taught how we know these things 😉 I tried a remote view for the first time yesterday and got alot of it right, and I don’t meditate, it’s been a mission but I’ve not made it to corporate into daily habits yet. I also just accidentally discovered I can make my daughters crystal chain move any way I think for it to, using my eyes with it reacts easier, but simply thinking it and picturing the movement works. It’s incredible what we are capable of, we’ve just never been taught it’s reality and not just spiritual bs. History speaks otherwise, on healers etc

Ps who’s gotten to read the released docs on MLK nd Kennedy etc????

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Any advanced species could take us all out very easily if they wanted. Hollywood would rather scare you to make cash. Don't think the government isn't behind scare tactics. Poisoning Our water would be easy, .

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We’ve never personally experienced any, but we’d sure be interesting in knowing. There are many unexplained phenomena that have happened that have never been explained, one being unexplained cattle mutilations. Do we believe in extraterrestrial beings, yes. We can not be the living forms in the Universe.

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Watch Charles J Hall on YouTube. Millennium Hospitality

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I will be very upset though if this entire thing is just repeating what we already know to be true! Lou has done many interviews not to mention his book, and if this doesn’t actually permit us knowledge that’s not already out there and been the obvious…I’m going to feel like this is yet again just another waste of everyone’s time and energy! Non disclosure is Or Disclosure!?!? What are we going to actually get here

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I write a book about aliens it's on myself stacks. I just hope that we know what we're doing if you want to drive these people out in the open. It might be worse. Do you think we have division the world now if you just imagine that's a scale I can't really understand. I'll never leave my house. But I do truly believe him I believe in a lot of things please read my stuff stacks.

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Life even vaguely similar to us can’t travel in deep space. The radiation levels are monstrous, going to Mars isn’t even realistic.

How many QAnon true believers are there? That should tell you that this many - a mere handful - of aliens exist theorists can believe every bit of this story and be wrong.

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Of course, it doesn't have to be life even vaguely similar to us. And any intelligent life that would have the technology for star travel presumably would be able to protect themselves from minor inconveniences like radiation.

Not that any of this means that little green men in flying saucers are about to be disclosed to us—but simply revealing such a massive, long-term government cover-up of *anything* would be, shall we say, interesting. Personally, I'm delighted and eager to see what comes of this.

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I don’t think you understand the incredibly destructive reality of radiation. It is not an inconvenience.

Intelligent life doesn’t want to go space traveling. It’s expensive and likely lethal. Given the years and distances, it’s a type of living death.

You are confusing the literary trope called science fiction with reality.

The Victorians had faeries that were remarkably similar to the gray bug eyed aliens that abducted people in the 1970’s. Mass hysterias exist in every age, in every culture. What anybody saw is most likely explained by neuro science, human brains are imperfect and can work pretty oddly. It’s a far more reasonable accounting for both group hysteria and even seeing weird things.

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>I don’t think you understand the incredibly destructive reality of radiation.

>It is not an inconvenience.


A couple of hundred years ago, an infection was a death sentence. Nowadays we have antibiotics and most infections are just minor inconveniences. There will come a time when we have a cure for cancer, and it will just be a minor inconvenience, not a death sentence.

Why wouldn't the same be true for radiation? We already have anti-radiation suits. Why wouldn't we have much better anti-radiation suits in the future? Why wouldn't more advanced aliens have a better way to deal with radiation than we do?

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The problem is, we only have knowledge of OUR physics. The laws of the universe are completely different .

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One universe, one set of laws. We’re doing actual science.

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Look at what we knew about physics 100 years ago, and compare it to what we know today. Now imagine what we will know about physics 100 years from now.

It's a mistake to assume we know everything there is to know about physics right now, and that we won't know more in the future, or that more advanced civilizations can't possibly know a lot more about physics than we do.

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>Life even vaguely similar to us can’t travel in deep space.

>The radiation levels are monstrous, going to Mars isn’t even realistic.


There's a flaw in your thinking. I'm surprised you don't see it yourself:

You don't know everything there is to know about space travel or possible alien technology.

We can do things today, in 2025, that were impossible in 1925, or even in 1985. Of course aliens can do things that we can't if they're even just 50 or 100 years more advanced than we are.

Someone from 1925 would find it impossible to believe that we have cell phones or AI.

Why shouldn't aliens have other metals or alloys or ceramics or materials we never even heard of, that block radiation better than lead?

Why shouldn't aliens have better solar panels that can absorb deep space radiation and convert it to energy for their ship?

Why shouldn't they have more advanced brains that can understand physics that our brains will never understand, like a 4th or 5th dimension? It's silly to assume that aliens can't know more than we do, or that they can't have better stuff than we do.

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It's a tax break for Elmo and subsidies all paid by the middle class. It's bull shit.

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This map here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/sypkqPZCVR tells me everything I need to know about this stuff. I doooo believe alien life is likely. But that’s not based on ufo sightings.

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Please read my restack🙌✨🫂🫶😊

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