The Age of Disclosure: are we about to find out that aliens and UFOs are real?
There's a new documentary featuring dozens of high ranking government officials and experts, who all say aliens are real and the government is hiding the truth.
“Age of Disclosure” UFO documentary trailer touts “biggest discovery in human history.” 34 US government and military officials get candid about the UFO/UAP phenomenon.
New UFO documentary features dozens of US government, military, and intelligence voices claiming "they're here."
Watch the trailer for The Age of Disclosure, the documentary directed and produced by Dan Farah that just got a prime opening weekend slot at SXSW.
This comes on the heels of bi-partisan Congressional hearings on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP, aka UFOs) and proposed legislation to disclose what the Government knows.
Farah got 34 senior members of the U.S. Government, military, and intelligence community to come on camera. He says they reveal an 80 year cover-up of the existence of non-human intelligent life and a secret war amongst major nations to reverse engineer technology of non-human origin.
The film was granted unprecedented access and support from senior members of the U.S. Government, military, and intelligence community. Everyone interviewed in the film has direct knowledge of UAP as a result of their work for the U.S. Government.
UFOs and drones: How to prepare for the ultimate unknown
Even if you don’t “want to believe,” it is time to prepare for it.
Throughout most of human history, those believing in UFOs were considered crackpots and never quite taken seriously.
In recent years, though, attitudes have started to change — likely due to mounting evidence of unresolved mysteries and credible voices stepping forward to share their experiences and demand answers.
With UFO hearings on Capitol Hill and the recent alarm over unexplained drone sightings in the Northeast, something has shifted in American society.
Thank you for sharing this. I have witnessed UAP and been ridiculed for it. I’m glad high ranking officials are beginning to tell the truth.
So Here comes Project Blue Beam! Everyone Needs To Understand 1st and Foremost Aliens Are NOT Hostile! If They Were Common Sense Says We Wouldn’t Be Here Still💯 They Also Need To Understand That Any Tech We Know Of Has Been Out For Decades Before We’re Aware! If we can See Through Walls a Football Field Away Now, and Listen To The Sounds Frequencies Of Plants, and Visibly See Auras and Emotions, change the ph in water or our own dna. Then Imagine What Exists We Aren’t Being Told About, and What Has Been Taken and Hidden From Us bc Of Greed!!! Aka zero point energy being One Major One!! So Given That, There’s No Doubt in My Mind Any Malicious Acts Done by People Claiming it’s ET is Being Done By The Govs To Build a Narrative and Build Fear💯💯 We The People Must Choose LOVE Over Everything Else✨🙌 It Shouldn’t Be 2nd Nature For All Of Us, It Should Be First🫶💪 This Is How We The People Of The World Win🤗 Actively Choosing Love In All We Say, Do and Think Daily! Mentally Sending Each Other Strength, Love, Clarity, Protection and Hope☺️ Take Time To Meditate and Send Love Back Into the Earth, or any space we are in. Positivity In and For All😊🙌🤘 #oneconsciousness Dr Greer Has great insight and Superhuman the Invisible Made Visible is a MUST Documentary ✨🫂🫂✨
It may sound crazy but think about the scientific things we were taught in school but never actually taught how we know these things 😉 I tried a remote view for the first time yesterday and got alot of it right, and I don’t meditate, it’s been a mission but I’ve not made it to corporate into daily habits yet. I also just accidentally discovered I can make my daughters crystal chain move any way I think for it to, using my eyes with it reacts easier, but simply thinking it and picturing the movement works. It’s incredible what we are capable of, we’ve just never been taught it’s reality and not just spiritual bs. History speaks otherwise, on healers etc
Ps who’s gotten to read the released docs on MLK nd Kennedy etc????