I am sorry I lived to see this day. The depression is intense and I have high anxiety and insomnia. I was thinking the other day of an oldie by Barry McGuire. And the line “And you tell me over and over again my friend that you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.” You can tell these MAGA morons over and over again, but they fucking know better. I have no sympathy for them but a loathing because they did this to innocent people who did not have it coming. There is no worse combination than idiots with superiority complexes.

Believe it or not I have thought about that civil war scenario. I wrote about it twice then deleted it. I speculated that if people had to take a stand against the fucking fascists the best place would be New England, all 6 blue states. I know it’s crazy. That’s why I deleted it. I am getting on in years and I will die in a country under fascist rule. That fucking breaks my heart. Thanks for letting me ramble. You can delete it if you want.

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Loved that song at 13 (it was 1969 and I had a college age brother) - it tore me apart then and through the 70’s. Thinking it might physically hurt to play it again…..

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Come to New England, we need you.

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I live in New England.

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I’m up for meetings, plans. I’m in RI, where are you?

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I have said this for a long time. Democrat are too damn nice. It made me sick to watch Biden sit there with that fascist POS Biden needs to stop being so nice to a traitor the person that tried to overthrow a fair election enough his courtesy and kid glove shit does not apply here. It’s time for these politicians and prudence to get their shit together. I’m really tired of all the negative nannies out there.

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Yeah, fascists are not impressed by integrity. They don't value good manners. Democrats are not scoring any points by being nice. Being nice and pleasant has not been a winning strategy.

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could say they don't value shit. But that is what they value; shit, filthy lucre.

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It’s clear that “ nice” is not working . Some people need to be thinking about going “lower than ever” to offset a catastrophe.

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what we could do is start a General Strike on January 5th.

We all (everyone who wants trump out) stop working, stop buying, stop filling our tanks, stop getting on Amazon for socks or whatever.

Two weeks and I guarantee Trump will be bad history, and the oligarchs will be begging to give us $25 an hour minimum wage, free health care, free college, and pretty much anything else we demand, because otherwise they loose everything.

They need us far fucking more than we need them.

But nobody is gonna do a General Strike, cause "what if I'm the only one? I'll lose my job for nothing!"

So we'll all watch it fall into the abyss. Glad I'm an old man already.

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I truly like this. Many thanks!

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I agree with you Oliver 💯 %!! Wish I knew what the answer was. Wish Biden and the Dems had some balls. Praying for a miracle. I will resist till the end.💔🇺🇸

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And the honorable democrats will always honor the constitution and trump who is hitler will cheat ‘ lie steal and do. What ever he wants and his maga cult will do what ever he says how do we stop them? What is the plan to stop them when even the supreme court is nazi now help usfind the way to stop them Please

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I tend to agree, Biden is an honorable man and is apparently going to do the honorable thing, hand the reins of power to a madman. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that he is prepared to uphold his oath to the Constitution and defend our nation from its enemies, both foreign and domestic.

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I appreciate the message of this post, but it offers nothing but “we’re doomed” forever. I understand it’s important not to hide our heads in the sand, but we need to find ways to resist, pushback and connect with representatives and grassroots communities.

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I'm all ears. Let me know what you think we can do.

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your words, basically:

"Biden must do something at least as drastic as to declare martial law, have Trump and accomplices jailed -no bail- and put on trial.

[But do it NOW, while he remains in power.]

& Biden would be in power until we have new elections that are not rigged by Putin."

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If only!!

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No. Idea. The democrats, especially president Biden, obeying in advance is making me fucking crazy. But the only way I’m going to survive is by trying to maintain my mental health. Which means spending a lot less time here. As always, thanks for your clarity Oliver.

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I understand the feeling that we have no control. I certainly feel like that in many ways. I mean, I voted, what else can I do other than hope? But I really do think that there are things that we can do that have meaning. First, I think it’s really important to get involved with community and engage on a grassroots level. Maybe it’s organizing conversations or starting a group at your local library. I went to one the other day that was called “Dialogue for Democracy”. It was a conversation where about 100 people of varying ages, ethnicities and races showed up to connect and try to find brainstorming ideas to stay engaged. There’s power in people like this and there are people that have ideas and experiences and resources. Plus it’s healing to connect with people in these uncertain times. Another thing is to contact representatives in your area and flood them with calls to make sure they are also staying engaged and protecting the people they represent. Discuss the fears and concerns. They are the pathway to getting your voice heard. Connect, donate and get engaged with the ACLU. This is why they exist to protect our civil liberties and rights. Stay engaged on platforms like Substack. Migrate to Blue Sky. If you want stay on Twitter even if it’s a propaganda machine but you can fight back there if you choose. But reaching out on places like Substack is also a way of connecting with community. I’m posting some ideas here and people may respond with other ideas as well. With resources and things that they are doing to pushback. It all matters because we do have a community here of smart, like minded people who have experience. This all starts inward and flows out. Follow people like Marc Elias on Democracy Docket. Stay engaged with that group and if you like donate a few bucks there if you have it. Marc Elias is very active on Blue Sky and lets you know the cases he’s fighting to protect democracy. Also look for other places to get your news outside of the MSM. They are to a large extent about profit. Try international sources like the BBC, The Guardian, Reuters, AP, maybe NPR if they are still funded. Need to find resources that are on the outside looking in rather than all the major networks that want rating and clicks. Look I don’t have all the answers. And I’m not suggesting that we should not have cause for concern. But we also need ideas and solutions. Maybe those of you who read this also can share thoughts and ideas. This is where things start. We are the “roots” where things grow and reach out and a difference can happen.

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Yes, staying safe is job #1. Also prepare and plan as much as possible.

On Substack, I recommend Letters from an American, Jess Piper, and Joyce Vance, for news, support, ideas, and the legal point of view.

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I agree with Richard G. The power we are looking for is not in Biden but in us. We the people.

And please don’t demonize Republicans or anyone else. Blaming and labeling is what desperate people do. Let’s use our considerable resources together.

Don’t order from Amazon for a start. Any more ideas?

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Getting off Facebook.

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I deleted it and What’s App. Not on Instagram. Not shopping at Target, Walmart, or Amazon. Supporting Costco, Foodland, farmers market and resale shops. Taking 40 sacks of snacks to elementary school today for underprivileged kids to have for weekend (church work). I’m here. I am a voice and willing hands. I am 78. I know how this goes, and still standing up.

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We better put up better candidates and start getting ready to take back the Senate and the House in ‘26 or We are truly finished. We have Zero power to combat the orange Fascist at the moment. Zip

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I'm not sure if there will be elections in 2026. I seem to recall Drumpf promising some Catholics that if they voted him into office that they wouldn't ever have to vote again.

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Exactly he did say they would never have to vote again because he’s never leaving the WH.. and when he said that all that came to my mind was..oh sh*t

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That worries me, also.

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Most terrifying line from this:

“So, what do we do to stop this chain of events? No idea.”

I don’t know either. I feel like half of the country are brainwashed zombies, walking willfully, happily into a wood chipper, but they’re taking the rest of us with them.

I know I don’t trust the election results. It makes no sense. How can it be that thousands and thousands of people who said they voted Republican their whole lives, who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, who now said they voted for Harris, NOT have easily given this election to Harris? And what about turn out? There was record early voting being reported, record voter registrations, but FEWER votes cast than in 2020?! NO ONE (no one that matters) is even asking these questions. I’m taking crazy pills. That’s it. That’s the only explanation. It must be, because I feel like I’m losing my mind.

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It baffled me too. The only rational that I could come up with was that Harris didn't to dispute the results so as to not create the narrative of "See, the Democratic Party does the same thing." And if any manipulation of the vote became evident it could potentially invite a civil war.

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I'm 70 and on Social Security. I moved to a Red state from California because of the lower cost of living. Unfortunately, if the Republicans do away with Social Security I won't be able to make my house payments and I'll be homeless in a very hostile place. Hopefully, I can make it back to California because I would much rather be homeless there.

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💔🤮😱 I think this article is spot on. I not only fear for democracy but our lives

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Agree- we have to fight fire with fire- none of this better angels shit that got us into this in the first place.

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Hopefully he leaves the White House in a casket before 2028, with a McNugget lodged in his trachea.

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Thank you for your very correct synopsis. It is very much appreciated & immeasurably needed.

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Ready to throw my life away to protect anyone this regime targets, which is anyone who voted against him as well as ALL POC! The cult is going to find out WTF they voted for , and I will feel not one drop of sympathy when they lose everything.

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I believe your take is essentially correct. The first battle is the confirmation of Trump’s proposed cabinet. He’s made some horrific choices for key positions in his administration. The common thread is each nominee’s history of, and willingness to, implement Trump’s strategy to overthrow the U.S. by taking down the institutional parts that would otherwise be in the way.

The common theme of the push-back during the confirmation processes needs to be attacking the roles these people will play as lieutenants in Trump’s treasonous army, NOT their competency (or lack thereof) for the traditional roles they’re nominated to fill. The nation needs to watch these people (and Trump) exposed for what Trump really expects them to accomplish - consistent with what Putin and Orban have done to establish their dictatorships.

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Will people who voted for Trump in 2024, and their families, one day carry (and endeavor to hide) a shame similar to those who supported the Nazi party?

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If you mean, admit they’re wrong, I don’t see the humility it takes to do so as a trait they have or appreciate in others - especially Trump. Perhaps their grandchildren will be willing to consider it.

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We can do something! Call your Senators. Remind them of their obligation to vet nominees, not rubber stamp them for Trump. Tell them not to give up their power to do their jobs.

I called both of my state Senators (both R's) and told them to resist pressure to confirm the 3 worst nominees (RFK, Gaetz & Gabbard).

I stated that each is extremely unqualified, inexperienced and would be a disservice to Americans' health, safety & national security.

These Senators aren't stupid, they need to be pushed to resist the worst of Trump. Apprently Gaetz is extremely unpopular in DC so that should be on our side.

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I’m so glad toad to the initiative to call your Republican Senators. Mine are both Dems and are already onboard. But they need to find counterparts in the GOP, who care about our democracy and their oath to the constitution AND are willing to buck Trump and MAGA - potentially hazarding their jobs, who will vote accordingly’

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I know that I and millions of other Democratic citizens agree with everything you said. I felt like you were almost reading my thoughts. We will fight for the freedoms we all deserve.

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It does seem to be playing out this way what with Tulsi and Susie both seeming to have strong Russian ties. I’m hoping Thune and the Senate Republicans are seeing that Trump is trying to weaken them as he’ll do with all government institutions and agencies, in true Dictator fashion. As Rachel Maddie said they all need to pushback on him hard, as do we all. Biden apparently doesn’t get what’s happening, yet.

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