I’m pissed that the media wasn’t jumping all over this one. Can you imagine if a Democrat ever said anything like this (I seriously doubt we’d find one that stupid or mentally ill) — but imagine the outrage.

Why do we hear…. crickets… when it’s DJT?

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Absolutely. Did you even hear about the giant faucet that takes a day to turn? It's going to solve California's water crisis. He said it yesterday at a press conference and the news hasn't even mentioned it. You can however find the press conference on Reddit or TikTok or whatever.

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Haven’t heard that one yet but I’m sure there’s no bottom to the well of cray-cray he’s capable of making.

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It might be a good idea for a neurologist to check all reporters to see if the zombies ate Their Brains , haven’t heard from them lately

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Kamala Harris did what she had to do. She will be our next president.

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It was only a matter of time before the crazy man went all out on every lie that he thinks his cult will not fact check. He is bleeding all over the floor and the Republicans are working hard to mob it up.

No luck bozos, as he’s still out there digging a grave big enough for all of you suckers.

You deserve the demeaning laughs.

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I think it would only be fair for Trump to receive the same treatment from the lamestream media and everyone else that Biden had to endure after the first debate. The bias drives me up the wall! I love that Trump got pwned so hard, I’m just hoping he finally gets his comeuppance soon! 😡🤬

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Why isn't every pundit in the New York Times and the Washington Post clamoring for Republicans to pressure Trump to resign? If they thought Biden was unfit to run, how can they possibly excuse Trump's candidacy?

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Nina, if u could answer that question you could retire on your substack proceeds.

In the meantime, here is a peek inside the orange one’s head. Feel free to share this far and wide


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Wow that is quite a read- and quite terrifying when you consider how close he was and may again be to having his finger on the nuclear button.

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with the memo, fill in the blanks of the outline as you go from 1972 to the present. courts, media, citizens united, federalist society, project 2025,

and share far and wide. thx, rbdgeologist north of san francisco.

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They want him to win. The corporate media is interested in ratings and money, and he’s their cash cow. They’ve turned their backs on us. They should be calling for him to exit the race after his horrible performance.

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They should have been calling for his impeachment and subsequently his incarceration after January 6th. This is just the latest.

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Because they are all TREASONOUS

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I think he was talking about extraterrestrials 👽😂

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The time I yelled at tv was when the yam demanded to know why Kamala hasn’t done all the things she wants to do in the future. He’s the guy who said the VP isn’t really an important part of the administration, isn’t he? Something like; the VP choice doesn’t matter because the don’t really do anything.

I was kind of surprised he didn’t have a stroke because he got so riled up.

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Yep, that’s right. djt-of all people- knows how little authority and autonomy a VP has!

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laugh at him. kamala let him have it.

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YES! Thank you for the most pleasurable single minute of this 2024 election cycle to date.

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This is the best. I wish I’d thought it up:


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Lol! Perfect! I’m gonna have to steal that! 😂

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Such crazy bullshit. But followers believe it.

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How many times have I read that??

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All I can say is he’s bat shit crazy and anyone who thinks he is qualified to run this country is also bat shit crazy!

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We need to laugh Trump right out of existence! He won't be able to show his face at the Heritage Club after November!

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Here’s Trump with another great thought, this might be his best but he will try to top his stupidity

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