It goes to show how X likely played a large roll in shaping the perception of Trump for these voters. Based on the posts, they seem to largely be a young demographic. It’s interesting as this seems to be their first glimpse of who Trump is. Sadly until it boomeranged on an issue they care about many enjoyed him trolling and causing pain to others. Sad.

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This is deplorable. How do elected Republicans support this crazy shit? Susan? Time for a sternly worded email to your favorite 13-year-old…

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Note how many still state their support and love of him, before decrying the sick video. Even after this, even after being repelled by this, finding the guts to criticize him, they still can't see that this is who he is, who he has ALWAYS been, and finally wake the fuck up, realize they've been played, and turn on him.

It's a crack in the mass delusion at least.

We need to do everything possible to keep opening that crack until it splits wide open. That is done by repeating over and over the last part of the above paragraph:

This is who he is, who he has ALWAYS been. Wake the fuck up, you've been played, now help us stop him and the billionaires who are fucking you.

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I discovered the true meaning of the MAGA acronym:

Moscow's Agents Governing America

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When I first saw the bearded belly dancers, I thought, this has got to be a joke, this can’t be from Trump. But, apparently, it’s very real (AI, of course). What also astounds me is all the negative comments from those who voted for Trump. THIS was the bridge too far?

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Maybe the folks doing the AI work were doing a bit of guerrilla warfare against trumps plans with those trans belly dancers?

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I love how one guy demands in caps lock. He can’t see himself at all. A mirror of entitlement

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Stomach-turning, but not surprising from the most vulgar, immoral pieces of garbage around.

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Ghastly gentrification

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May a good shooter step up.

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Sing it brother!

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And this is our life now.

Way to go people who knew that this might happen. Now it did

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So basically trump is admitting he threw out the locals so he could develop a huge new trump resort….how…why?whaaaaat?

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