I can't read any more about this dick head. I'm so worried about what we do if he gets reelected. He's so slimy that there's no telling what he's capable of pulling off. If we had a good political/legal/etc. system, he'd be locked up already!

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Trump, Faux news (Murdoch), Republicans and extreme Christianity are the worst things that have ever happened to this country in 21st century. They are killing the US. Total cancer.

Faux news and the extreme Christians amplify every vile ugly lie that comes out of Trump's fucking mouth. I never would have thought this 10 years ago but I see now that millions of Americans have extremely weak character, weak minds and no integrity.

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Funny as our former first lady got into the country illegally and lied on her application for citizenship claiming education and degrees she did not and does not Possess. But hes hard on aliens? No hes hard on non white aliens who arent female and intimate with him!! If it doesent benefit him personally he is against it!

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Very disturbing

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Watching what’s happening in America from Europe is way past disturbing. America has always been looked to as the leaders of the free world and democracy and yet here we are all watching your election knowing all of our lives could change on the result of it we know all to well what fascism looks like we’ve been taught about it since childhood and as we’ve been here before the one thing we never expected was being back here again with America being the cause of it. So this election you are not only fighting for your own freedom but ours as well.

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Nov 1Edited

Trump’s racism and xenophobia are on full display. That’s what MAGA loves about him. That’s why his base is so steadfast.

His central mandate is racism. The Trump-Vance flags/banners in my neighborhood say “Take America Back.” From whom? Blatantly racist.

They think racism is cool and aren't embarrassed like they should be. I'll be glad when they crawl back under their rocks!

All the GOP have is racism, it is their campaign.

How about wearing this "Keep the immigrants, deport the racists" shirt in front of them? 👇


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Trump plans to deport 20million undocumented immigrants. What happens when the countries of origin refuse to accept them back?

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I'm ready to scrap the trump off the bottom of my shoes, once and for All ! He's going to Loose the election, then be Sentenced November the 26th for Election Interference. Somehow, that's still going to leave me Empty?! I'm ready for some therapy, Oliver, maybe a New Year's resolution?! LoL Thank You for your piece this evening, and will reStack ASAP 🌊

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Women, we must roar together. NEVER TRUMP!

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And again!

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I think so. But then I'm a cockeyed optimist most of the time. Thanks, Oliver M M.

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I think we still have those capable with common sense in times of need. GO AMERICA!

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He is such a pig!

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It won't happen if the Sludge gets in. We need an entirely new administration. Thanks, Oliver M M.

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Our systems need a lot of overhauling done so that mistakes like the ones made in this case of politics are never made again. THOROUGH PREQUALIFCATIONS. mental as well as physical.

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Thank you, Joyce. This man is just the top layer of the filth in the Republican party. A thorough housecleaning needs to be done.

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Truth! Your vote is critical to keep this racist OUT of our White House!!’

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Keep up the prayers.

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Thank you, Estelle May. I hope someone is on top of their game Nov. 5th and knows what they are doing. I still have faith in our government doing what's right for the American people.

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