I'm here in Oregon, and I know most people who can, will Help. Blessings to All Californian's who've been effected by these Devastating Fires πŸ™πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Please. Can't we just start behaving like real people instead of demons?

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Wow. Utterly despicable even for republicans, and that’s saying something!

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I was just at the grocery store in Minnesota. They are collecting for fire victimsx

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Like they were ever gonna send help! Pffft.

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Of course they are.

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That's what evil does. It attracts those who are of the same ilk.

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If these fires were β€œstarted” by any identifiable entities, I’d be more inclined to believe the entities were MAGAts.

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I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I predict that 1/3 to Β½ of all Trump appointees will be fired in the next 2 years, by him. Anyone agree ?

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Or they’ll decide they actually have standards they can’t give up, and will quit.

WAIT! Did I actually say that? Oh my! Hahahahahahahahaha, … breathe … hahahahahaha!

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Thanks for the laugh.😍

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They're fully committing now to the "us" versus "them" narrative of fascism. For years the oligarch-owned media has shown images of "democrat-run cities" and universities on fire. Corrupt cities against the pure heartland is a Nazi trope and the images of fire over LA conjure up old testament ideas of divine retribution. The Christo-fascists getting ready to take power see the fires as just punishment for our wokeness. Nazi propaganda is about creating sociopaths, people willing to see others burn.

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I just screenshot what you said. I believe you have exactly said what is happening but certainly didn’t realize it, I’m embarrassed to admit.

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Blame. Just like they would. We all think it’s Arson. But not immigrants - tending those yards is their job! Most likely MAGA, encouraged by Trumpβ€” just a distraction, or to bring CA to book lick for helpπŸ™ˆ

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As long as there is evil in the White House there will be no good done. Pure vindictiveness reins. He is sick.

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Why are there those people behaving so ignorant?

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This won't happen until normalcy returns to the White House in 4 years.

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Until then it is going to be ruled by evil intensions.

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Those who believe in not helping others in need are all part of Satan's army organized with the help of the new administration. They are right by President Mop Heads side in the Oval Office.

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Thank you, Joseph Contardo.

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