What an ugly, terrible human being.

No wonder he loves Trump. They have the same mental defect.

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What a fucking nut. Apparently if you have enough money, some people just call you eccentric. Instead of the mother-fucking loon he really is.

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This Kanye bit popped up on my screen & I read it, and all I could think was, “Who cares what Kanye says?” Honestly, I thought he was over.

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Feb 8Edited

Right? This is the right energy.

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If hitler would have won the war Kanye would not be here, because hitler would have killed his grandparents.

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Yep, exactly. :-| Kanye, his parents, and his children would not be here if Hitler had won the war.

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He needs to be 5150d and medicated in a bad way! I'm no fan by any means but ye has a few screws loose

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Holy Shit!! Seriously?!?! WTAF .. black NAZI Kanye?? What a fvcking LOSER .. I’ve never liked him and never will.. guess he’s trying to stay relevant. 🙄

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The nutcase seriously belongs in a psychiatric facility. He is truly psychotic.

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Totally - why is the line different when you’re wealthy and famous? He is so mentally ill, and even before he was mentally ill he was a complete asshole. Now? He’s dangerous.

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He is, because he isn't just some random crazy guy spouting this stuff from his mom's basement—he's world famous, he has followers, and he has his own little team of misinformation agents. I wonder, as you do—why do the wealthy and famous get a complete pass on being psychotic on the world stage and never having to take responsibility for their actions?

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Well, calling it “art” apparently differentiates it from regular people insanity. He’s been calling himself the greatest artist of all time for his entire career. Unless we mere mortals also possess unimaginable greatness, we can never hope to understand his singular artistic vision, his generational excellence, his extraordinary work.

And it’s actually just really average music, and a boring AF basic line of beige/greige/champeige clothing.

So there’s that. But I think it’s really just the fact that he supplies a lot of income to a lot of people, who all need him to keep working/being visible so they can keep earning, a la Britney Spears. It’s sick. Ugh. Fuck this guy, he’s the worst.

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Fuck you Kayne and your fucking incomprehensible racism

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must be in a manic phase

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It’s pathetic. Very sad. Him, and Don Jr. - both broken by mental issues and no one loving them enough to help.

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What a sad, sick little man.

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You have dominion over NO ONE!

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Kanye West is one of THE BIGGEST DICKHEADS ON EARTH. I have met him and conversed with him close up, in Paris. He is a waste of oxygen.

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Fuck you Layne and your fucking incomprehensible racism

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Fuck you Kanye and your fucking incomprehensible racism

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He is a big loser! Says & does anything for some attention…

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Holy Bat Crazy Shit 😱 !!!

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I cannot. He probably supports war crimes, too, but that's just me.

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Judging by what's been dribbling out of his so-called brain lately, I'd say it's a better chance than "probably."

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OMG I'm just stunned yet not. Weirdest feeling.

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