If we knew then, what we know now. Would anything be different? I hated that weird f***er back then in 2016.

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Thank you for posting this John. I still don’t understand why they didn’t tell him to sit his fat orange misogynistic ass down right then and there. You are 100 % right - It was creepy, disgusting, and disgraceful and there was NO EXCUSE for them not stopping him! I would have turned around and faced him head to head and spat in his bloated orange face and then asked him what his “F’ing” problem was! But I’m no lady when it comes to Rape and Misogyny.

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Me too, and still now. My hubby voted for him, didn’t listen or watch what I did. Thank gawd after 1 year in office he changed his mind, he despises him now. Even switched to Ind in 2020, voted straight D here in ID. Just listened to Joy Reid tonight, talking about Project2025, he said “that’s really scary”. We listen and read just about everything that informs us about the evils of the Right, corporate media’s complicity (ratings, ad revenue and tax cuts?!?). We esp like listening to Malcom Nance “Blackman Spy” on YT and his books. He’s been warning us for years.

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Malcolm Nance is a great source of info. He has several books on my reading list.

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We’ve gotten all. He’s en excellent source of information.

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You and your husband are Wonderful! Thank you for posting your inspiring journey! 💙💪👍⭐️🙏

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Thank you JP. Interestingly enough, when we met 28 y ago, he'd never voted. I did get him to register to vote, even though I knew he'd vote the straight R party line. He recently told me he'd never heard of NPR, which I listened to in AK (KUAC) at home. He is a voracious reader, loves U.S. history, and fortunately has been open enough to do move outside the box he was raised in here in ID. I don't know if I could stay with someone who doesn't see, feel, nor understand where the R is trying to take us. HCR (Heather Cox Richardson) has a great Substack today about our U.S. history with respect to the wealthy elite trying to subvert "justice for all". #wewillnotgoback

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Millions of us knew it would be bad. I had no idea it would be as bad as it was. Have you read Trump Project 2025? It’s even worse than the Dobbs decision. The Republicans are coming for the rights of all of us, men, women, all of us.

Make no mistake Donald Trump did this to women. He is proud of it. He brags about it.

Women don’t want anything special — we just want to make medical decisions that allow us to live — and yet the Republicans see fit to lie and move the goal posts anytime women come near to equal rights. What are they so afraid of?

Never satisfied with his own level of cruelty, Trump selected a running mate who has said no fault divorce should be outlawed so that women who are beaten by their spouse cannot leave the marriage.

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Never ever give up the rights you have that have been won by brave women of the past at great personal expense to make it better for future generations. That is the American way. It’s a legacy of our forebears.

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I’m still reading it. I’ve read enough to know this shit is bad, and unAmerican.

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FYI, Joy Reid is summarizing Trump Project 2025 this week on her show on MSNBC. It may be easier than reading it.

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It’s a purely Evil Decree. Complete mandate that destroys the Civil Rights of all sentient humans living in this country.

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I wish someone would publish it (not the Federalist Society). 900+ pages is a lot to download on any platform. I'd rather have it in my hand, like the copy we have of the Mueller Report.

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I recently got a book from Amazon that divides Project 2025 up and breaks it down/explains each item pretty well so that it's not so overwhelming. There are quite a few out there, so vet carefully and read the reviews before buying.

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Thank you TW. I saw some on Amazon also, but decided against buying any because the reviews were not positive. I'll still keep an eye, and make sure no publication is put out by the Federalist Society or any of it's writers.

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Thank you for posting this important information. 👍⭐️🙏💙

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They’re afraid of being found dispensable. White people will shortly be in the minority and they can’t tolerate the competition from others who are more qualified, better educated, talented, and better equipped to handle the world in the future. They have ridden the gravy train for too long and it’s coming to a halt. I hope I’m alive to see it.

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That blatant stalking behavior needed to be called out On the spot: the Debate stopped right then. Rules Read when the Creep was sitting in his Seat at his podium. clock running. Deducted from his Debate time. Warned if the Stalking was repeated, he would be told to leave the stage. Debate over.

Unbelievablely it was allowed to continue as if he hadn’t violated Hilary R. Clinton’s personal space, as a stalker. So blatantly sexist, prejudicial and Disgusting, Dangerous to her and All Women.

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I’ve hated Tangerine Palestine since 1982!

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That was supposed to be Tangerine PALPATINE!! Fucking autokorrect!

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There’s something seriously wrong with this asshole, which really makes me wonder what kind of person would support someone like him? Definitely not anybody I need in MY life.

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It was obvious even then, but here we are.

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and perhaps kamala will actually lock him up.

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it would be within her line of ‘presidential duty’, & therefore legal according to the recent SCOTUS ruling?

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In 2016 Hillary Clinton was in uncharted territory. Nobody had seen anything like the trump psychopathology portrayed on the National political stage since George Wallace, (and Trump is worse than Wallace by a factor of 10), but Wallace was 50 years ago, 3 generations ago. Hillary was adrift in a sea of corporate-media malfeasance. That debate was a misogynistic wet dream. And it was an omen of the future. Corporate media is corrupt. And fascists Reagan Trickle-Down Billionaires feel free to run amok. In 2016 Hillary was in uncharted territory. Nobody had seen the trump psychopathology portrayed on the National political stage since George Wallace, (and Trump is worse then Wallace by a factor of 10), and that was 50 years ago. Hillary was adrift in a sea of corporate-media malfeasance. That debate was a misogynistic wet dream.

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Once a creep always a creep. They have this air about them that’s disturbing. You can kind of feel it. Any uneasiness around them?

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Watching that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Trump is more than just a creep. He's severely mentally ill and dangerous.

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Creepy vibe is right. It is disgusting to watch his face(🤮) as he lumbers around Hillary in his effort to throw her off her game. Hillary is a strong, well educated woman who knows what it takes to run a country. Just observing his demeanor, his dismissive attitude as if he is not paying any attention to what she is saying because he doesn’t care. Her explaining what she has accomplished and what she hopes to accomplish if elected, bored trump. And why(?), because he had and still has, no idea how governments operate, and he has no plan! He just wants to be what he thinks is a powerful and respected ruler, just like Putin. He also thinks Putin is a “nice guy, a very nice man”, he claims that with him (trump) being so “respected” by the world leaders, he can end the war on Ukraine with one phone call. What he fails to recognize, and all the world leaders already know, is that Donald J Trump is Vladimir Putin’s bitch.

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You nailed the essence of trump and trump’s appeal to his MAGA minions. They hate “governing”. They want rule. They want strong man rule to enforce their racist, misogynist, white supremacist dominance over all of us who are “Woke”. Aka, Human.

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I still say Hillary would’ve won had she turned around and told him to back his weird, creepy ass up.

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He’s behind me, isn’t he??

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That was seared into my memory. The American electorate is the great offender in this. That shit was clear from the jump! Nice work with the tape including the jaws-like sound! A nice metaphor.

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The "weird guys" approach should be all over the net like a flamethrower in a hay barn. The youth of this country will see the reality of DJT and JD. Just sick weird!

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In every debate the moderators have failed to put him in his place and call out the lies and intimidation.

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He really is a freak, & not in a good way!

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Weird MFer

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I remember thinking that was too weird. Too bad she didn't call him out right then an there . Put the dick in his, or it's, place.

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I too wanted her to stop what she was saying, turn to Trump and ask if he needs the Men’s Room, the way he’s acting so antsy walking around the stage and if not, then school him on the behavior that is expected of adults during our presidential debates.

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“It’s down the hall and to your left, little boy”

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Agent Orange needs to keep waving that freak flag up to and including Election Day as a reminder to Vote Blue 💙

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Hillary showed remarkable poise and composure during the stalker's whole unnerving performance. While most of the audience members are trying valiantly to follow what she is saying, a couple of them are clearly leveling looks of alarm and quiet alertness at Trump's weird act of lumbering ponderously about the stage, then conveying unmistakable threat by repeatedly entering into her personal space and following closely when she moves to address another portion of the audience, then turning and looking sharply at the audience, and then again pushing into Hillary's personal space

I saw the original disturbing visual spectacle on live television and it seemed to take forever for this scene to be over. That man is a certifiable menace.

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My question is what kept that from being newsworthy?

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