John Oliver didn’t have to tell anyone that.

It’s been a sewer for a long while now. 🫤

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I'm not afraid to block pretty much any bigot or idiot that responds to my posts.

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Thank you for the critically important assessment of the harm Facebook, instagram and other social media sites cause. We have several generations of young people profoundly harmed by the seduction of being “recognized” in a false environment. We’re in real trouble.

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On point again, as usual, Oliver! The exponential capitulation by the mega-douches continues. FUCK IT !!!

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Social media was designed by the tech elites to enslave us. And that is exactly what it's doing.

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I quit Facebook years ago and fully agree that it’s toxic.

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I was subjected to the vicious attack on President Zelenskyy perpetrated by bully one and bully too also known as see president and vice president of the United States. They invited a leader of a sovereign nation to try and humiliate him publicly. I’m assuming it’s because he did not kiss the ring in the first round of trump’s Presidency nor would he do it in this one. I’m ashamed to identify as an American. How did we fall this far?

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…and sickening self-aggrandizing parents fantasizing about their ideal lives to the detriment of democracy, the marginalized, and facts

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Trajectory for all platforms as their owners accumulate more capital, and go on some weird “free speech” rant after defending a nazis right to spread misinformation

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Hey, that’s not fair! Sewers are useful.

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Yep, NO to meta.

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