Well, DUH 🙄 It’s pretty obvious to me why Mr. Thompson was targeted - as the head of an organisation that makes billions off of denying lifesaving care to people it was just a matter of time before this happened. Sadly, In America, where they place profits over people there’s going to be a tipping point. I love how police say they “don’t have a motive”. It’s not rocket science here folks. In light of all this I do feel bad for his wife and kids, but I’m certain they’ll be able to afford healthcare🥴

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I really pray that someone feels equally strongly about your job performance. I’ll bet that you have pissed off a costumer or coworker who thinks that you deserve some… harsh treatment. Be careful about this concept of vigilante retribution for job performance or popularity. That is not a civil society where people can feel safe to work or live. Nobody can.

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Job performance? His job performance was exemplary. He led United Healthcare to record profits. Those profits had a lot to do with denying care to people in need who had paid thousands for health insurance.

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Which “may” have led to someone losing their sh*t and assassinating him in the street, PERIOD. This is not an endorsement on my part, merely an explanation…

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Slow your roll. I never said he deserved it - merely that I could see how this could happen. I never implied it was justified either. Civil society went out the door the minute millions of Americans voted for the Orange Menace about to return to the WH! HE justifies violence against those that are in opposition to him. In civil society we have a discussion about our differences and try to come to consensus, violence is NEVER the answer! Just because I said I could see how it could happen does NOT mean I endorse or encourage it.

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Well, perhaps when CEOs get worried about assassinations, they’ll urge their equally greedy Republican reps to vote for gun control laws???? Read the ProPublica investigation about how horrifically that company treats any member whose medical care happens to be more expensive than they’d like!!

A young college student who had really horrible ulcerative colitis, 20 or more bloody diarrhea stools a day, & more symptoms, lost over 50 lbs. Spent yrs going to Drs & trying meds, none worked. Finally went to the best GI doc at Mayo Clinic & got stabilized on 2 biologics at very high doses. His coverage was denied basically based on the recommendation of an RN employed at UHC.

You will find no sympathy from anyone for that level of disregard for human suffering; & that’s ONLY one of hundreds of thousands of cases they deny. They deny, knowing most people won’t contest it, they’ll just suffer & die

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Civil society? What are you talking about? Our society has never been civil.

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Where in our society do we get a fair chance at negotiating health care? Or, education, rent, you name it. Basically, it’s here you go and this is the cost. And you agree to pay whatever, or get cut off and die.

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Jesus that's a spectacularly dumb take.

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You are grossly missing the much bigger picture. It's the scale of his actions that has yielded this result. He wasn't a bad waiter who served a customer cold food. He led his company to record profits by denying health care to patients who then suffered and died, causing pain to family and friends numbering in the millions.

It's akin to a war crime, and citizens are NOT recoiling in horror at his death, much like the Italians who didn't look away when Mussolini was lynched. These health care companies are guilty of crimes against humanity, and instead of being punished, they are rewarded. It's untenable, so it was inevitable that a vigilante would rise up. This all has historical precedent, and is even thematic in many great novels. There comes the tipping point.

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Lighten up, Francis.

Your take is as stupid as it is simping for the oligarchy.

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He and the wife were separated. She just saved a ton of money on a divorce lawyer.

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Probably hadn’t gotten around to changing her name on the life insurance policy… Bonus for her 🤷‍♀️

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But he had two children and they deserve justice.

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It sucks that anybody can be killed this way.

It sucks more that thousands of people can suffer, and some die, as victims of greedy companies and CEOs like that guy.

Let's focus on the more victimized and abused before putting much effort into caring about the victimizers and abusers.

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His take home- $25 million

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It is estimated 2-5% of people in USA are on Antisocial Personality Disorder Spectrum.

I'm thinking every one of them is a CEO or not far below that, a politician (mostly Republican fascists), or a criminal organization boss.

And I think that those estimates are far too low.

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With the way things are going with attitudes of pervasive highest profits before humans in medical and pharmaceutical fields, delivery systems. for Especially seniors; and the increasing widespread between the top wealthiest people and rapidly Shrinking Middle Class. And a a Growing, Expanding Lower Income of All Ages there is going to be especially an increasing Huge Amount of Seniors with Needs for Affordable Healthcare and Housing with NO Way to Access Either of Them. Heartlessly Ignoring them will be Explode into a Crisis to make the Great Depression look like a glitch.

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The fact that they consider every Unitedhealthcare customer a suspect tells you they know exactly what they have been doing.

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Exactly 👍

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This is a very important story. In my opinion it hints at what a power keg the US is unless government, any government, addresses poverty, the cost of living and opportunity.

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Please do yourself a solid and DO NOT get a Medicare Advantage plan (scam), keep Medicare A and B and get a Gap supplement. Med Adv is just a GOP greed-mongers dream. Read T Harrtmans articles to educate yourself and maybe another CEO will not be a murder victim!

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Why does Med Adv even exist? I had to go on SS Disability about ten years before turning 65, and my doctor's office warned me about Med Adv, and sure enough I saw why when my parents' retirement health plan switched to Med Adv. Suddenly we had to get referrals, which would then be denied and then we had to file appeals. Or to find a participating specialist for something, we had to drive 45 minutes after a two-month wait fo the appt. So I've stayed with original Medicare, have a gap plan and a pharma plan. I now have some serious med isuues, so this was one of my better decisions.

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All of America has guns and armed to the teeth. Not just Maga. Of course that CEO is dead. The guy clearly lost someone who was denied lifesaving coverage. I would bet money on it.

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People are angry at the discrepancy of wages. He took home ten Million a year! Was the health care covered adequate for the recipients?

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I’ll echo most of the comments about CEOs, especially in the health insurance field. Seeing Kelly, who I blocked, defending them, is same as poor working class people in this country defending billionaires. Fuckers. Let me distract you with lies so that you defend the one percent or the half percent, and meanwhile, you can’t afford to live. Which is why you voted for the fucking orange menace. The republican long game has paid enormous dividends for them. The gutting of public education, lack of affordable housing because they refuse to build any, for-profit healthcare. The list goes on to infinity.

The other thing is the guy saying that Medicare advantage is a scam. I’ve checked out regular Medicare with a gap plan. The gap plans are expensive. You pay now, or you pay later. To me, it’s a balancing act. The advantage plans cover basic vision and dental. Medicare is not free. My husband and I pay more than $300 a month for our Medicare. The advantage plan costs a small monthly premium on top of that. Plus copayments.

One of the basic problems in this country, and it started with the Reagan administration, is that the rich do not pay their fair share. They keep getting tax cuts, and we keep paying higher taxes. Americans do not realize that millionaires and billionaires need to pay their fair share so we can have things like universal healthcare. That’s why every other developed country has universal healthcare, six weeks of vacation, free education, etc. Because they are OK with paying higher taxes as as they receive a strong social safety net.

That’s all I got time for right now.

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Wish I could restack this.

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Thanks for the compliment, sister. Feel free to cut and paste.

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All of this.

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At least he didn’t need have to have life-saving surgery with the potential to have limited access to anesthesia .

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Someone had to be first, maybe it will catch on, Starlink CEO?

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I’m having difficulty having sympathy.

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This Substack is disgusting and without any semblance of humanity. We have a private (and public) healthcare in this country. You know what? Private health insurances also exists in countries with arguably universal health care (because it’s not so good, you see). It is a business.

This was a good man who happened to work very hard in a business that killer thugs like you all don’t like. Your attitudes sicken me. This man hasd a wife and two young sons! What is wrong with you people in rejoicing in his horrible death? GTH.

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While making tens of billions in profit, UnitedHealth fired its intake team & enacted faulty AI tech to process claims. It rejected more than 90% of claims for senior citizens, resulting in several deaths b/c elders didn't get the critical meds they needed.

Just thought I'd share for no reason.

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And those seniors, and anyone else who had claims denied had family, too. Can guarantee they weren't getting a yearly 10 million dollar salary + bonuses either. Senior here, pay Medicare almost $200/mo, and pay UHC another $294/month for a gap insurance, since my small income doesn't allow for hospital/doctor co-pays, if I am ill or injured. Medicare Advantage plans force you to certain doctors and are unreliable in coverage, while touting vision and dental coverage.....both negligible and not enough to cover glasses or dental work older folks need. Rant over.

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What you wrote is Not a rant it is just Reality and FACTs! obnoxious at that, because, there are a lot of ludicrous Restrictions attached to those costs also: Many “clever” well-hidden items not obvious until you need to use the policies. Then you find out all the riders not actually covered, that are out of pocket costs, that add, hundreds to millions. That show up in the mail.

Or worse, are denied and actually cost you your actual life! These things happen Way too often, or they delay, force you to+ your Dr to defend, by process of repeated Appeals of “death-panels” that Deny over and Over & Over Again, until you either Die 1st or Give up, too worn Down to keep ReApplying, Discouraged worn out, and your Dr. out of time and patience, no time to treat actual patience. A poor use of Medical tracing, turned into paper form filler outer, signer. A time waster. pure Greed on Insurance Companies Business Plans. Cheaper than providing actual Medications, for actual life-savings. Human Life is worth Less than $$$$$$ to their Greedy Executives on their Value Scales.

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Whoops. I copied this from someone else and the citation didn’t print. Sorry Qasim Rashid. Also sorry if I misspelled your name, memory issues.

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Yet in other countries those elected health insurance us for supplemental things, like elective surf and are more than likely bought by the wealthy elites. Which is fine if you can afford it. We are talking about basic human rights, a right to a life free from pain, a life with quality.

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No, health insurers automatic denial of 90% of claims is what is disgustingly.

Sending patient’s claims to be reviewed by a paid Dr who is not a specialist in anything & who reviews an extremely complicated medical chart of a patient’s yrs of treatment in 20 MINUTES!!!! & then denies the claim, because the RN told him he should?

That’s disgusting!!! Leaving patients to suffer & some to die in agony? That’s disgusting

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That has happened to me 5 times, over a crucial medication, since 1968, Takes 5 days for me to die, without the exact medication. In agonizing pain. Each time, the BS, gone on for 3-4 days, before they get so horrified, scared, give in and give me the Real med, not cheap substitute I’m allergic to, My Dr. indicates, on Form and is on my Records is Contra-indicated I Can NOT take under Any Circumstances! Provided ONLY Prescription I Am Able to Safely Use! Idiots, Still Attempt to Defy Medical Facts.

Try to KILL / MURDER me.

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The same thing japans in places with universal healthcare care, Sweetie! Do your homework! EVERY nation’s health care system has people to

That don’t get every last medical procedure or treatment on Earth before they die! The human body is frail, and no country on Earth has enough doctors or hospitals or medical equipment to do something so much more, as you fantasize happening in other countries. Think and use facts before you speak nonsense!

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I care about as much for this CEO's life as he does for mine. Or yours. Why should we give a shit? Were you this moved when a million people died from Covid in this country? Or for any of the people shot and killed by police in the last month? Or the people who are wrongfully imprisoned every year to provide slave labor for companies like his? Do you weep for those people's wives and kids? Or do they deserve it because they're poor? How about Gaza wives and kids whose fathers are raped to death in Israeli prisons, bolstered by U.S. weaponry which companies like his heavily invest? Are you this triggered for them?

I have terrible news for you...he wasn't a good person. People who climb the corporate ladder to make 10 million dollars a year are not good people, because to succeed so quickly and gloriously in a soulless, corporate environment, you have to be an absolute piece of shit. You have to be comfortable fucking over co-workers, customers, and yourself. I know because I've lived it. Capitalism rewards sociopaths and narcissists, SWEETIE. Social media is rife with people laughing at this man's death because regular Americans are starving and dying while this dude wore an extra 40lbs. of caviar around his gut, which he acquired by making sure that sick people died. So take your bootlicking somewhere else and read the room.

It's not that I don't have empathy for him...it's just that my empathy appears to be out of network. Him and his family are going to have to call me back with documentation from at least three physicians that signed off on his being actually dead. It's not personal, you see. I'm just doing business.

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How do know I know I don't? You don't know a damn thing about me. So spare me the self rightous lecture.

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> This was a good man…

Citation needed.

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You are deeply deeply wrong. In the U.K. we have universal healthcare and whilst people can choose to go privately it is normally used for elective surgery. It is provides no emergency care so if your private operation goes tits up you will need the NHS. And if you need cutting edge treatment or long and expensive oncology that’s where you will end up too.

And the NHS never, ever says it’s turning off your anaesthesia because your op went on for too long.

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Reading Is Fundamental.

I think you are not reading. Or comprehending. Or both. There's a list of percentages taken by "healthcare" insurance companies. UHC took the most. Making scads of money on the backs of the miserable just makes a company horrible. Assassination is not the solution. But the very real anger and misery is CLEARLY understandable.

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As disgusted as anyone about the private healthcare systems and their criminal behaviour, my heart goes out to the family to have this mocked so enthusiastically

But as I posted somewhere else, the billionaires are in for it.

And now, finally some momentum about election fraud ad interference

There have been a lot of new precedents set since Donald showed up… maybe a delay in handover until they figure out just how many ways was it tampered with can be added to the list

The results do not make sense by a lot of number nerds’ account

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CRIMINAL needs to be Capitalized. And use of factual information + words used, like Murder. That is what these company’s do Chose to do, for Profit.

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I will say, as you know, I don't condone murder. However there is a lot of angry people out there on social media and politicians better start paying attention ASAP!

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He was not assassinated he was murdered. An assassination is professional not sloppy. Secondly if you want changes then you demand that the politicians in your district pass legislation to have Medicare for all.

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I get all the anger and frustration, but murdering a CEO is not the answer. What the alleged murderer did was cowardly by sneaking up behind someone and shooting them from behind. The victim's two children do not understand the reason's behind it and deserve justice. It was just a cowardly act of murder.

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