House of the Dragon is actually a pretty accurate portrayal of what medieval Europe was like, minus the dragons.
Trump Dumpster Fire, Chapter 5
You can find the previous four chapters of Trump Dumpster Fire on the Project 2025 substack: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Rich man's privilege: For most of history, rape and incest was perfectly normal, if rich robber barons did it.
Europe in the Dark Ages was a living nightmare for peasants like you and me.
That’s why it was called the Dark Ages:
But things were even worse for women. In every war, they were the spoils.
After each victory on the battlefield, a tribal warlord filled his own pockets with the spoils of war and demanded the most fertile women of the defeated tribe for himself.
That’s how gold treasures and harems came to be. It’s what you get when rich assholes hoard gold and women.
It was perfectly normal back then for men to force women to have sex. There were no laws stopping it from happening. Women were property. Men could pretty much do whatever the fuck they wanted to women.
To stop other tribes from stealing his harem, the warlord told his peasants to build fortifications. First the walls were made out of wood, and later out of stone. That’s how castles were invented.
Castles are monuments to murderous greed and thousands of years of rape culture. The biggest, rapiest killer had the biggest castle with the biggest harem.
Next time you marvel at a castle in Europe, remember that the medieval owner of that castle killed more people than Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy combined.
Time passed, fashions and weapons changed, but for centuries it was always the same old story: the strong ate the weak. Sometimes quite literally:
British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago)
They have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and rich recipes. But what is less well known is that the British royals also had a taste for human flesh.
A new book on medicinal cannibalism has revealed that possibly as recently as the end of the 18th century British royalty swallowed parts of the human body.
The author adds that this was not a practice reserved for monarchs but was widespread among the well-to-do in Europe.
'In the heyday of medicinal cannibalism bodies or bones were routinely taken from Egyptian tombs and European graveyards. Not only that, but some way into the eighteenth century one of the biggest imports from Ireland into Britain was human skulls.
Eventually warlords declared themselves to be extra special, to legitimize their brutal rule, and demand total obedience from their servants.
They gave themselves fancy titles and demanded loyalty to the death. They told their peasants that there was no greater honor than to die for your overlord. And the dumb peasants believed it.
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a piece of colored ribbon."
They were proud to give their lives for their masters. They were brainwashed into believing that their own lives didn’t matter. Only the lives of their masters mattered.
Pretty crazy if you think about it, huh?
But that’s the thing: we never really think about it.
This slavish attitude is so ingrained in the minds of servants, that we don’t even recognize it as weird anymore, when we hear someone vow to give his life to serve. We’re just so used to hearing stuff like that.
It’s like when your room is messy. If it’s messy long enough, you get so used to it, you become numb to it. And you don’t even see the mess anymore. But when someone else comes to visit you, they see the mess right away.
In Asia, people bow all the time. It’s normal there. It’s considered polite to bow. A sign of respect. They don’t really think about how or why the bowing started.
It’s a remnant of the Imperial days, when peasants had to bow in the presence of their Imperial masters.
To us Westerners, all that bowing seems kinda strange. Most Europeans stopped bowing to royalty hundreds of years ago. Ever since we chopped their royal heads off.
Bowing is no longer a part of American or European culture. It seems pretty weird to us now, to bow down to someone else. We consider it a sign of slavish submission. Which is exactly what it was, in Europe as well as Asia.
That’s why the royals in Game of Thrones always demand that their bannermen “bend the knee” as a sign of submission. It’s their version of bowing.
Medieval Europe was a lot like Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.
There were a bunch of brutal robber barons who called themselves lords, dukes, kings and queens, and they viciously oppressed their peasants.
It was perfectly ok for “noblemen” to murder and brutally torture their peasants, if they felt like it. Peasants were seen as livestock. More like sheep or cattle than actual human beings.
Maybe that’s why we still use the word sheep to describe obedient servants who blindly follow a master.
There were royal houses, like the Lannisters or the Targaryens, but in the real world they had names like house Habsburg or house Medici.
Today’s British royal family started to call themselves house Windsor in 1917. Before that they were called house Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. A German royal house.
I guess it didn’t look so good during World War 1, that a German family ruled Britain.
All of Europe’s royal houses are related to each other. The royal houses were a bunch of cousin fuckers. It was normal. There was lots and lots of inbreeding going on.
In house Habsburg, the inbreeding was so bad, it led to a family deformity known as the Habsburg chin:
Incest and inbreeding was common all the way into modern times. Even Hitler was in a relationship with his niece, Angela (Geli) Raubal.
When she cheated on him with his chauffeur, Hitler killed her:
The little-known story of Adolf Hitler's intimate relationship with his young niece.
“The unresolved and hastily covered-up death in 1931 of Geli Raubal, Hitler’s half-niece and romantic obsession, has long been relegated to the murky footnotes of the Führer’s early career in the demimonde of Munich.”
Hitler’s father, Alois Hitler, was in a relationship with his underage niece, Klara Pölzl. They are Adolf Hitler’s parents.
So Adolf Hitler was the result of incestuous inbreeding. And he himself was also in an incestuous relationship with his niece.
Pretty sick.
Oh, that reminds me of something Trump said:
Donald Trump's unsettling record of comments about his daughter Ivanka: 'If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her'
Trump told Howard Stern it’s OK to call Ivanka a ‘piece of ass'
Forbidden fruit is the sweetest fruit.
Twitter Erupts Over Donald Trump’s Embrace of Daughter Ivanka at RNC
Real-life history is full of even crazier shit than Cersei Lannister and her brother Jaime.
King Tut, the famous ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, was the son of incest and had a bunch of birth defects. His mother and father were brother and sister.
And King Tut himself married his sister Ankhesenamun. Before she married her brother, she was married to her father.
Cleopatra’s parents were also brother and sister. She wasn’t actually Egyptian. She was Greek. A Greek royal house ruled Egypt at that time.
Cleopatra ruled Egypt together with her father. When her father died, Cleopatra married her 10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII. She was 18 at the time.
Later she was in a relationship with Caesar, the Roman Emperor. They had a kid together, called Caesarion. Caesar had Cleopatra’s brother-husband Ptolemy XIII killed.
Eventually Caesar returned to Rome and Cleopatra married her other brother, Ptolemy XIV. Same name, different guy.
Pretty fucked up, huh?
But this shit was totally normal among royalty back then. To keep the royal bloodline "pure," meaning free from peasant scum like you and me.
And all kings had harems, full of peasant girls who were kidnapped or sold into sexual slavery, and raped regularly, just like female slaves in Colonial America.
So, history really was full of inbred royals, and bloodthirsty queens like Cersei Lannister, psychos like Ramsay Bolton, who tortured peasants for fun, and mad child-kings like Joffrey, who were cruel, just for shits and giggles, and to stroke their own ego.
Medieval robber baron Europe was not a fun place for peasants. It was Hell on Earth.
That only changed when the peasants finally had the courage to rise up against the royal robber barons and started forming democratic governments for the peasants by the peasants.
Democratic governments were invented for one reason, and one reason only: to protect the weak from the strong. The whole purpose of a democratic government is to protect the poor from the rich.
That’s why Republican robber barons hate government and always try to weaken, corrupt and destroy it.
Republican politicians are owned by the robber barons who exploit the rest of us and they represent only, only the interests of the rich 1%.
The robber barons hate that democratic governments protect us from them, through laws and regulations that reign in the robber barons’ ruthless, soulless money-making-machines, the giant corporations.
And Republican robber barons never miss an opportunity to make you think that a democratic government for the peasants by the peasants is your enemy.
"Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."
Republican President Ronald Reagan
“The Republican Party is bringing out here onto the floor of Congress an all-out assault on the protection of the rights of people who work in the fields of our country, in the factories of our country, in the offices of our country.”
Trump loyalists on Fox News love to use the term Deep State. They claim it’s a sinister conspiracy deep within the government, to overthrow Trump.
It’s a lie. The truth is, the so-called Deep State IS the government.
The whole purpose of a democratic government is to protect us working class peasants from robber barons like Trump.
If it wasn’t for our democratic government, and its laws and rules and regulations, we’d still be living in a world like medieval Europe, where rich people can do to poor people whatever the fuck they want. A robber baron could kill you, simply for not bowing down far enough in his presence.
In Asia, bowing is still a part of their culture today. They don’t recognize it as slavish and submissive, because they’re so used to doing it. They don’t even think about it anymore. From childhood, they grew up being taught that that’s just what you do. The same way we Westerners are taught to shake someone’s hand.
But let’s get back to Game of Thrones for a minute...
At one point the tall blonde female knight, Brienne of Tarth, swears an oath to give her life for royal Sansa Stark: “I will shield your back, and keep your counsel, and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the old gods and the new.”
When we watched that scene, none of us thought that was weird, because we’re so used to the idea of servants dying for their masters, it seems normal. No, heroic!
That’s how brainwashed we all are by centuries of ruling class propaganda. We don’t even notice it. Even in 21st century America, we still think that oath is totally legit.
And when servers at a restaurant are being told that the customer is always right, because the customer is king, it’s nothing other than a continuation of that century-old slave mentality. Servants only exist to serve a master.
The master is always right. Even when he’s wrong.
That’s literally how you MAGA minions think about Trump, isn’t it? No matter what he says, and no matter how demonstrably false his claims are.
Remember when he claimed the sound of windmills gives you cancer? What a load of crap.
Remember when Trump claimed that his father Fred Trump was born in Germany, even though there is proof that he was born in New York?
Newspapers keep track of the long list of lies he tells and the evidence that proves his lies wrong:
Trump’s Lies
Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.”
Why so many Trump supporters are OK with the President’s lies
Authoritarianism has long been linked to support for Donald Trump. New research finds people with that mindset are less likely to care that a political leader is lying.
As of mid-February, the Washington Post's fact-checking staff had tallied 8,718 false or misleading public statements by President Donald Trump since he assumed office. Yet his popularity, while low overall, remains very high among his base—a demographic dominated by evangelical Christians, who are taught lying is a sin.
The research, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, finds Republicans are more likely than Democrats or independents to consider overt lying on the part of a politician morally acceptable behavior. This difference is largely driven by Trump supporters' endorsement of authoritarianism.
Authoritarianism is a fancy word for dictatorship. MAGA dumbfucks actually like the idea of a dictatorship:
Trump says some Americans might like a dictator. He’s right: If you think freedom and liberty are the default position for pretty much all Americans—polling has some bad news for you.
Brainwashed MAGA dumbfucks act like every word out of Trump’s mouth is the gospel truth. Because you guys believe it’s your duty to act that way.
You think it’s honorable to be blindly obedient to a master, even when he flat out lies so blatantly, that even an idiot can see it’s a lie.
Blind obedience is the exact opposite of democracy. It betrays the very idea of freedom. It’s even worse than bowing.
I bet if Trump asked you guys to bow down to him and swear a loyalty oath, you’d totally do it. Like when he told people at his rallies to raise their hands and swear an oath to vote for him.
Being a royal loyalist is the exact opposite of being a free person.
“Trump defends loyalty oaths: 'We're having such a great time'
Donald Trump dismissed comparisons of his use of loyalty oaths during recent campaign rallies to Nazi Germany and other dark chapters of history on Tuesday as "ridiculous."
The loyalty pledges began at a rally Saturday in Orlando, Florida, where Trump asked the crowd: “Raise your right hand: ‘I do solemnly swear that I — no matter how I feel, no matter what the conditions, if there’s hurricanes or whatever — will vote, on or before the 12th for Donald J. Trump for president."
None of that seems the slightest bit strange to you guys, does it?
Anyway, the inbred ancient robber barons claimed to be chosen to rule over us by this invisible superhero in the clouds, called God.
You might have heard of him. He’s kinda like the Hulk: “Don’t make God angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry. When God angry, God smash!”
To make that absurd story more believable, they even came up with this book, called the Bible, that was basically a bunch of horror stories about all the things God smashed when he was angry: “If you piss him off, he’ll destroy your whole fucking city! Just ask those fuckers in Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Ohhh, scary stuff!
Some of the really cocky robber barons even claimed that they were gods themselves, and infinitely better and more important than their expendable pawns. Sooo much better that they didn’t even have the same ordinary red blood. No sir, even their blood was better. Blue blood!
Fancy shmancy!
And that’s how robber barons made their uneducated peasants believe that they were extra special, and chosen by God himself to rule over them.
The Bible is a slave manual. It was published by robber barons and it tells peasants they must obey obey obey their masters, or God is gonna be really mad at them.
Yupp. Royals became royals by bullshitting their peasants and plundering and pillaging their neighbors. That’s all.
They became rich by being extra ruthless and brutal. They were better at plundering and murdering people than their neighbors. And then they told their peasants that it was all God’s will, so you better shut the fuck up or God is gonna fuck you up.
It was pretty easy to fool peasants back then. Most of them couldn’t even read. Peasants weren’t allowed to go to school. Only the children of noblemen were allowed to receive a proper education.
Not unlike America today, where poor peasants can’t afford to send their kids to a good school in an expensive neighborhood.
We’ve all heard British fans of the Queen yell: “God save the Queen!”
You know why?
The purpose of a democratic government is to protect the poor from the rich. The purpose of religion is to protect the rich from the poor.
Of course you can’t blame today’s Queen for the fact that a couple of centuries ago, her great-great-great-grandpa murdered and robbed his neighbors. But the royal family is no more special or holier-than-thou than any other peasant family.
They’re just very very rich because they inherited a lot of stolen money from a medieval mob boss like Tony Soprano or a viking Jeffrey Dahmer.
And so it went, century after century.
Eventually the rich robber baron royals sent their henchmen to kill the Aztec and Mayan tribes and rob their gold. And they enslaved the tribes of Africa, killed the tribes in Australia, plundered the tribes of India and the Middle East, and exterminated the tribes of North America.
Tribalism. Nothing has killed more people on this planet. Not even the black plague.
History is really nothing other than a list of bloodthirsty sociopaths who killed their neighbors. But it’s ok. God made them do it. So it’s cool.
“I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.”
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2
“We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. In fact our movement is Christian.”
Adolf Hitler, Speech in Passau 27 October 1928 (Federal Archive Berlin-Zehlendorf)
Martin Luther paved the way for the Holocaust
“A shocking part of Luther’s legacy seems to have slipped though the cracks of the collective memory along the way: his vicious Anti-Semitism and its horrific consequences for the Jews and for Germany itself.
At first, Luther was convinced that the Jews would accept the truth of Christianity and convert. Since they did not, he later followed in his treatise, On the Jews and Their Lies (1543), that “their synagogues or schools“ should be “set fire to … in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christian.“
He advised that the houses of Jews be “razed and destroyed,“ their “prayer books and Talmudic writings“ and “all cash and treasure of silver and gold“ be taken from them.
They should receive “no mercy or kindness,“ given “no legal protection,“ and “drafted into forced labor or expelled.“
He also claimed that Christians who “did not slay them were at fault.“Luther thus laid part of the basic anti-Semitic groundwork for his Nazi descendants to carry out the Shoah. Indeed, Julius Streicher, editor of the anti-Semitic Nazi magazine “Der Stürmer,“ commented during the Nürnberg tribunal that Martin Luther could have been tried in his place.”
Next time you feel the need to yell that you’re proud to be white, remember that white Christians have murdered more people than all other races combined.
That’s not really something to be proud of, unless you’re a deranged psychopath.
It's a shame virtually no MAGAts will ever read this.
More critical TRUE HISTORY that deserves to be taught widely, as opposed to the propagandist swill that is currently our 'educational' fare! INTROVERT COMICS contains historical truth, as well. Bravo, Oliver Markus Malloy! True history will remember your efforts.