Every time MAGA cultists make a meme of their Orange Messiah, it looks like gay porn. Weird.
Studies have shown that people who loudly proclaim to hate gay people are secretly attracted to them.
MAGA Nazis loudly proclaim how much they supposedly hate gay people. And they spend a lot of time and energy on demonizing and persecuting gay people.
It’s not normal to spend all your time obsessing over something you hate.
But it’s common among self-loathing gay people who are afraid to come out of the closet. They jealously hate those who had the courage to come out.
People who are happy in their own skin don’t spend all their time hating others.
Miserable people hate those who are not miserable like them.
Homophobic? Maybe you’re gay.
Is there a link between being in the closet and being homophobic?
Homophobes might be hidden homosexuals.
Homophobia may reveal denial of own same-sex attraction, study suggests.
Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
Study finds that homophobic people are actually more likely to be gay.
Homophobia: An impulsive attraction to the same sex. Men with a high homonegativity score looked significantly longer at homosexual than at heterosexual photographs.
Scientific studies have shown evidence of a link between implicit homosexuality and homophobia.
Bible Belt states watch the most gay porn, stats show.
Republican National Convention dubbed 'the Grindr Superbowl' after gay dating app crashed due to spike in users in Milwaukee.
Grindr dating app crashes in Milwaukee during RNC.
George Santos, one of the very few openly gay Republicans, says: "Grindr executives are calling the RNC convention the Grindr Superbowl. Let me tell you something: just come out of the closet, boys! Come on, it's fun! You can be gay and conservative.”
This really does fit the "every accusation is a confession" when it comes to the MAGA/GOP/Christo-fascist nutballs.
Bible Belt states watch the most gay porn, stats show. CBS News
Hahahaha! IMO, they sure do, and most of em’ are probably Methodists, Catholics, and for sure the Baptists here in Mississippi.