For how long has Universal Healthcare been demonized? As a young man, many years ago, I can recall the vitriol that accompanied Democratic efforts to implement UH. “Socialized medicine” became their mantra…all in an effort to keep the grift going.

For the richest country in the world to have the worst healthcare is an abomination and is emblematic of a Republicon run country.

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Tiny little secret: Socialism is about the common good. It's about helping the little guy.

When it gets demonized, it is literally smearing the concept of helping others.

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and social security is like a savings, FICA paid in and monthly paid later….

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.... it is emblematic of mentally deranged individusls that oppose it!

You need to die first before the proper medication is prescribed at a cost bankrupting you.

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WALTER SVIRSKY, you must be the stupidest person I have ever heard or you are just a brainwashed democrat communists, I think both. Go play with your Trans and pedophiles friends.

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Go away dumbass troll.

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Privatized healthcare for profit is a terrible implementation of a cruel idea. Profits over people is always a losing proposition.

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For my job I have lived close to twenty five years overseas. All that time in systems that provide government sponsored healthcare.

I can tell you that, while no system is perfect, the US system is WAY behind whoever is in next-to-last place!

I’m talking about places as diverse as Norway, Greece, England and even the Persian Gulf countries!


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One would think that if the US really, really, really wanted UH, regardless of party, the politicians would take a look across the globe, take notes, compare the systems, and establish one that makes sense and meets the criteria for "The Greatest Country In The World".

As can be seen, year in year out, this is not the case for what the Republican party does. There is no initiative, critical thinking, just blocking. Blocking. And blocking some more.

"A concept of a plan".... what an outrageous statement by Con-Don-Old after running for president before 2016, and having four years available afterwards to sit with specialists to come up with and present a solid concept. Clearly, there is absolutely no interest in protecting the US population from diseases as well as financial hardship resulting from healthcare costs.

And why the Democrats are not making anouncements time and time and time again until it sinks into the minds of the populus of what they set out to do, what they accomplished so far, and what the next targets will be, beats me.

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The American Healthcare System, including Big Pharma, is the worst of for-profit Crapitalism! Side effects are rampant.

A lot has been written about Trump and Rot Wing media brainwashing and

cultifying millions of Americans. Crapitalism is just as bad, if not worse!

America is in a crapitalistic trance, from which it may never wake up!?!

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My cardiologist wanted me to do one of those stress tests just as a precautionary measure, but I'm on a limited income and kept putting him off over concern about the cost. Finally he got me a letter from the hospital business office saying my insurance covered the entire cost of the procedure and I wouldn't have to pay anything at all.

Had the test (everything was fine) and a couple of months later I get a bill for $80. WTF? Call hospital business office - what's this charge? They check - co-pay. But letter? But completely covered? But no cost to me? Not our problem. Take it up with your insurance company. But YOU WROTE THE FREAKING LETTER! Sorry.

Now, $80 isn't going to bankrupt me, but that's not the point. The point is it could have just as easily been $800. Or $8000. (the cost for the procedure was almost $14,000) And I would have no choice except to pay it.

My cardiologist wants me to have the test again, since I finally caught COVID back in the spring despite near-religious adherence to vaccine and boosters. I'm putting him off again over concern about the cost, which I imagine hasn't gotten any cheaper in the last few years because nothing e else has. Would be nice if I could get a straight answer on cost, but it doesn't appear to be a possibility.

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Call your insurance first. And whatever answer they give ask for it in writing!

You clearly identify the issue: a $14,000.00 charge. People by cars for that amount.

One night in the ICU (intensive care unit) in the hospital is $10,000.00 - the most uncomfortable bed and night you will experience in your life (at that rate).

The word outrageous does not even come close to describe the greed.

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I'll probably do that when I get ready to do the test. The other procedures he ordered have been expensive too, resulting in $300+ in bills that pushed the stress test back even further. It's now on hold indefinitely while I try to figure out how to afford those bills AND the property taxes coming up in December and still have money for Christmas.

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You are so right! Our healthcare system here in America is so messed up and it disgusts me. It’s disturbing how much the republicans value money over human lives. It’s just sickening how messed up our healthcare system is and even with all of the evidence of universal healthcare being a very good and beneficial option they keep decrying it and demonizing it. I’m so sick of how republicans keep trying to run this country into the ground all for the sake of greed, I do not get the sense that they care about anyone but themselves and their leader is the perfect example of that. I absolutely believe universal healthcare is better than our privatized bs. Thank you for your article! 🥰💙

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Access to Healthcare does not equate to readily available healthcare. Remember, Healthcare is the entirety of a body, not exclusion of Dental, Vision and Hearing; Not remortgaging your home to pay for a vacation from cancer.

I sure would like to know how many people have died from a systemic dental emergency, and how many have suffered permanent heart damage from not being able to eradicate an abscessed dental infection timely that went systemic, with no money to have dental care.

It is no wonder why hospitals have become corporatized conglomerates, stockpiling cash, and buying up every related service to healthcare. Every American should be questioning politicians and medialebrities, no matter their party affiliation at every opportunity, armed with the facts of how much these organizations have bought their vote or dictated media coverage for media revenue.

We are a country that sells weapons of war around the world, while simultaneously giving aid to care for impoverished countries, while passing laws to arrest homeless people in our own country.

No country can sustain the status of a global leader with policies that creates generational poverty, polarization of wealth distribution, and an intentional, methodical reduction to education access, which annihilates critical thinking skills-the essence of science & discovery, and the dumbing down of the masses over generations; pushing the beacon of our shining light to extinction. There are many eroded relics around the world of previously failed civilizations.

What a horrible time capsule we are catapulting towards, for future societies to look back on us, and ask how humans could be so so ignorant with the technologies and knowledge available to the planet at this time. That is if we even do not follow the playbook of The PRC and the elimination of the Tiananmen Square Massacre from its historical archives.

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You hit on one of my pet peeves. See my comment on the restock.

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Bang on!!

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They don't hesitate to use taxpayer dollars to bail out corporations. Yet, refuse to use taxpayer money to assure access to college and healthcare.

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I still don't get the argument against Medicare 4 All. That was the original vision- to gradually lower the age of eligibility. Now with CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) perhaps we could raise its age-out age and lower Medicare eligibility age, and in a few years we'd have single-payer. It's such a weird cognitive dissonance: we're all happy our retired parents or grandparents are on it, but suddenly it's socialism if all people get it.

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MSM (which is now "faux news") focuses on the oligarchs in Russia and ignores the oligarchs here. Why is that? Could it be that the oligarchs here (in control of the media, insurance industry, food industries, transportation, major manufacturing, etc.) don't want the attention? Perhaps if they support candidates who garner that attention, then the voting population here will ignore (or not be made aware of) how we are willingly giving our democracy away for their continued profits. A Constitutional Congress needs to be held to get political and monetary policy back in the hands of the populace. Hopefully a silver lining to the coming storm clouds of the next Civil War.

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My husband and I have the insurance we want. It’s good & we can have the doctors & much-needed prescriptions prescribed by my doctors for what meets my needs. Yes, socialized medicine would be a nightmare for me. Lived through years- forgetting name of medical insurance which was forced on us for a time. I got so tired of fighting to get services needed, as well as control over medications. I remember our local doctors were - just remembered (HMO) anyway doctors were losing money & many left town, leaving patients with way less options. So you are not speaking for everyone.

Universal healthcare would be okay if rest of people who are happy with their insurance could still maintain that. So far I’m not hearing it would be set up that way, which takes away rights of many. How is robbing some people of their free choice a good way to run the country?

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United Healthcare made over $8 BILLION Profit in just the first three quarters of 2024.

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How come I make comments and they get lost in fucking space? I keep wandering around. If any one sees me, take me home.

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