Winter is coming: We're witnessing the end of democracy.
I know this is not what you want to hear, but it's what you need to hear. You can't win a war, if you don't even know you're in a war.
Hitler didn’t gain power by overthrowing the democratic German government. Democrats voluntarily handed him the power, because they thought it was the right thing to do at the time.
In retrospect, voluntarily handing power to Hitler was obviously the worst decision in history.
Biden is voluntarily giving up power, for the second time, because he’s a good man with honor and integrity, and he believes it’s the right thing to do.
Unfortunately he’s handing power to a fascist who has praised Hitler on multiple occasions.
Fascists don’t believe in truth, honor, and integrity. They see it as a weakness that can be exploited by dishonest people who have no honor or integrity and are not bound by the truth.
Did you ever see the 2009 comedy The Invention of Lying with Ricky Gervais?
It plays in an alternate universe, where lying doesn’t exist. Nobody lies. Ever. About anything. Everyone always tells the truth.
And then, one day, one man suddenly invents lying. It makes him incredibly powerful. He can manipulate anyone to do anything, because nobody knows that he’s lying, and nobody has any defense against his lies.
Lying is like his superpower. It’s like a cheat code in real life.
That’s why fascists like Hitler, Putin, and Trump always lie. Most people are defenseless against it, because they just assume that everyone is honor-bound to tell the truth. At least about big, important stuff.
“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility. In the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.
For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.“
Adolf Hitler
Lying is a form of cheating. And cheating is banned in every fair contest. Cheaters get disqualified and shunned.
When athletes compete in the Olympics, and one of them cheats by taking steroids, who wins? The cheater.
When you play Monopoly, and someone cheats by stealing money, who wins? The cheater.
When you play chess, and someone cheats, who wins? The cheater.
Cheating gives you an unfair advantage in any contest. That’s why it’s a winning strategy for dishonest people who have no honor or integrity and see fairness and honesty as a weakness.
If lying and cheating didn’t give them an unfair advantage over others, they wouldn’t do it.
That’s so self-explanatory and self-evident, it shouldn’t even need to be said.
And yet, here we are, witnessing how a liar who won an election by lying and cheating more than any man has ever lied and cheated before, is handed the prize as if he won a fair contest.
This situation is so absurd, it makes me want to scream. I feel like I’m living in the Twilight Zone.
But this isn’t Biden’s fault. He’s a man of honor and integrity. He’s playing by the rules, and the rules say, he now has to hand Orange Hitler the keys to the White House.
When Trump lost in 2020, he lied and claimed he won, even though he knew he was lying. And then he tried to start a civil war and overthrow the government.
These were messages posted on Parler right before January 6.
If Trump had lost again in 2024, he would have done the same thing again. He recently said, he should not have left the White House in 2020. Now you know what he plans to do in 2028. He’s not gonna leave.
Trump will use the next 4 years to dismantle democracy, just like Erdogan did in Turkey, and Orban did in Hungary. There won’t be fair elections in 2028. The MAGA Nazis will make sure of that. The elections will be rigged, like every election in Russia, where Putin always “wins.”
Biden is trying to show the world the difference between Democrats and MAGA Nazis. Democrats play by the rules, because we have honor and integrity.
And without truth, honor, and integrity democracy doesn’t work. Both sides must agree to follow the rules to make an election fair.
The problem is that fascists don’t play by the rules. Ever. Rules are for suckers.
Fascists use lies as a weapon. They sabotage a democracy from within by breaking all the rules that make a democracy work. And while they demolish democracy, they blame democrats for all the problems the fascists cause: “Look! Democracy doesn’t work!”
In an election, both candidates are supposed to present their ideas to the voters, so that they can make an informed choice. That’s the only way democracy can work.
When you watch a commercial, they can’t just blatantly lie about the product. Otherwise you can return the product and sue them for false advertising, because they tricked you into buying their product based on lies.
Trump lied nonstop, about absolutely everything. That’s false advertising.
He fooled people into voting for him by telling them whatever they wanted to hear. For example, he claimed that imposing tariffs on foreign imports would lower inflation. That’s a blatant lie. It does exactly the opposite.
When you shop at a dollar store, most of the products are cheaper than in other supermarkets, because the dollar store stuff is from China or Mexico. Because producing stuff over there is cheaper. That’s why Trump had his bibles printed in China, not America.
Tariffs make products from China or Mexico more expensive. That’s the whole point of a tariff.
But his MAGA yokels were dumb enough to believe Trump’s lies because they didn’t bother to check if he was telling the truth. They just assumed that he must be telling the truth, just like the gullible people in the movie The Invention of Lying.
Now, after the election, they’re slowly figuring out that Trump lied to them and that tariffs will actually increase inflation by making everything more expensive. Duhhh!
Here’s what’s trending on Google right now:
No, you can’t change your vote after the election, you dumb motherfuckers. You should have used your brain before the election.
Around the world, MAGA dumbfucks are known as the dumbest people on the planet.
But it’s not really their fault. Corrupt Republicans are dismantling our schools, to breed dumb people, because dumb people vote for Republicans, because they’re too dumb to know when they’re being lied to.
If people knew what Republicans are really about, nobody would vote for them.
Fascists know that nobody in their right mind would vote for them. That’s why they need to lie, to trick people.
Trump is not really trying to make America great again. He’s just lying, to make gullible fools vote for him. Trump is Putin’s sock puppet.
Ever since the Cold War, Putin has been trying to divide the West and destroy America by turning Americans against each other, to instigate a civil war.
Putin has been playing the long game, and it finally paid off. He has been waging a new kind of disinformation war against America, and Trump is his weapon.
A vast army of Russian disinformation agents has been spreading lies about Democrats, to fool voters and install Trump as president.
Putin succeeded. Again.
That’s a 2018 article from the Washington Post about the 2016 election.
Here’s a Russian policy expert explaining why Russia supports Trump: Because Trump will destroy America. That’s the whole point.
America just lost WW3. It was a new kind of war: disinformation warfare on social media.
And thanks to a complicit corporate media, most Americans are totally in the dark and have no idea that it even happened.
An army of Russian disinformation agents installed a Russian asset as our president, and he’s now installing other Russian assets as his cabinet.
We are now under Russian occupation. Putin now runs America, and his goal is to destroy us.
Good job, MAGA dumbfucks!
Everything Trump is about to do will be bad for America, bad for the West, bad for democracy, and good for Putin.
Trump is gonna kill Nato, abandon our European allies, hand Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter, lift the sanctions against Russia, and start a trade war with Europe.
Tariff is just another word for trade war.
Trade wars make the economy not better but worse. On both sides. Because prices go up and exports shrink, which leads to unemployment.
And the cherry on top: It turns allies into enemies.
Putin wants to divide the West. That’s why his sock puppet in the White House will start a trade war with Europe, destroy both economies, and turn our European allies into our enemies, while Putin laughs his ass off.
But wait, there’s more!
The same Russian disinformation army that successfully installed Putin’s sock puppet as our president twice has also been working tirelessly to instigate a civil war in the US. And it’s working.
They will be successful again, because most Americans have no clue that it’s even happening. CIA experts on global conflicts say it looks like we’re headed for civil war.
But you don’t need to believe the CIA experts. All you have to do is read the news. Trump keeps calling Democrats “the enemy from within” and “vermin.”
Those are the same slurs Hitler used to demonize and dehumanize Jews before the Holocaust.
And Trump keeps talking about using a law from 1798 that allows him to put not just immigrants but any American citizens in concentration camps, that he deems “the enemy from within.”
You do the math.
Think it’s just empty threats? Nope.
Orange Hitler and his MAGA Nazis are actively working on setting up a nationwide network of concentration camps that will be managed by private for-profit prison companies.
Wanna bet Trump will get a nice chunk of the profits?
Trump has also said that he will declare martial law and use the Insurrection Act, so he can “legally” use the US military against Americans.
And he’s gonna purge all “woke” generals from the military. That means he’s removing any generals who might refuse to shoot Democrats.
Trump only wants generals who swear a loyalty oath to him personally, not the Constitution. He has said in the past, that he wants his generals to be like Hitler’s generals.
Still think those CIA experts are full of shit when they say a civil war is looming?
Trump works for Putin, and Putin wants a civil war in the US. And what Putin wants, Putin gets, because Trump owes Putin bigly.
Putin’s American civil war 2.0 might start sooner than you think. Trump said he’ll start deporting millions of immigrants on day 1.
And several Democratic blue state governors said they will resist and not allow Trump to harass, torment, or deport people in their states.
Democratic governors are forming a coalition of states to resist Trump’s fascist regime.
And there you have it.
Putin won the 2024 election and has set in motion a chain of events that is virtually impossible to stop.
Handing the White House keys to Orange Hitler is the same as handing America to Putin on a silver platter.
Trump should be in prison, not the White House. He and his accomplices should be tried for treason and a long list of other crimes.
But his MAGA Nazis are so brainwashed by toxic Russian disinformation, they’re itching for a civil war.
We’re at war with Putin. Theoretically Biden could declare martial law and have Trump and his accomplices detained and put on trial, while Biden remains in power until we have new elections that are not rigged by Putin.
But Biden would never do something so drastic, because he believes a peaceful transition is the most important thing to keep democracy alive. No matter how Orange Hitler won, and no matter what he’s gonna do when he’s in office.
And Biden probably fears it would trigger a civil war if he refuses.
But when Orange Hitler seizes power in January, he’s gonna try to instigate a civil war with tyrannical policies that target immigrants, minorities, and Democrats.
If Democrats try to defend themselves, we also get a civil war. But then we’ll be in a much weaker position, because Orange Hitler will be in charge of the US military, and Democrats will be the rebels.
Either way, Putin wins and gets exactly what he wants: the US will destroy itself from within.
A civil war would be a disaster for every single American. There would be no winners. Except Putin.
So, what do we do to stop this chain of events? No idea.
I feel like we’re all the band on the Titanic, bravely continuing to play music while the ship is slowly sinking.
What are your thoughts?
Leave a comment below and let me know if you agree with my assessment, or if you see a light at the end of the tunnel. I’d love to hear some good news.